Why is safeguarding IP crucial for startup success?
How does IP protection attract investors?
What role does IP play in fostering innovation among startups?
Innovation is not just about ideas; it's about the impact those ideas can make on the world. IP protection isn't just a legal formality – it's a strategic necessity.
1. Trademark search and clearance: When your startup is in the conceptual stage, clear the rights to the company’s business names, logos, and domain names.
2. File IPs proactively in foreign countries: Consider IP protection in foreign jurisdictions and decide where you want to file.
3. Use intent-to-use trademark filing: Intent-to-use allows your company to register a trademark before actually using it if your company has a genuine intent to use the mark in the future.
4. Protect your business name: File your name with the secretary of state, register your name as an internet domain name, file a state or federal trademark application, and consider if fictitious names are necessary.
5. Develop advertising strategies: A successful marketing should comply with product labeling laws, trademark laws, and regulations on sales promotions, contests, and sweepstakes.
